Are you facing an issue with accessing your account on either Sandbvx app, Cloud Office Manager or Bill.In? Simply follow the steps below to help remedy the problem.
Unable to create account on Sandbvx app
If you have tried to create an account on the Sandbvx app but are facing some challenges, simply follow the steps below to help resolve the issue.
- Ensure you are using an email that you have access to as you will be required to verify your email address before being able to access the platform.
- If you have already registered with an email and password. Check your email address, which you used to register, for the verification email. Remember to click on the verification link to complete the registration.
- Note that usernames are unique on the platform to help you stand out from other users. Make sure you select a unique username that is not yet taken by another user. The app will inform you if the username you are trying to register is already taken.
Unable to login to my account on Sandbvx app
If you are unable to login to your account on the Sandbvx app:
- Ensure you are using the correct email-password combination that you used while signing up to the sandbvx app.
- If you have forgotten your password, simply tap on Forgot Password on the login screen, enter your registered email address and tap on Send Email . A password reset link will be sent to your email address. Click on the link and reset your password with a new password.
Unable to login to my Cloud Office Manager Account
If you are unable to login to your Cloud Office Manager account, simply follow the steps below to help resolve the issue.
- Ensure you are using the correct email-password combination that you used during the sign up process.
- If you can't remember the password. Click on forgot password? on the login screen. An email will be sent to you with the password reset link.
- Click the password reset link on the email and enter your new preferred password.
- You will now be able to login with your updated password.
What if I want to add a new account to my Cloud Office Manager account?
To add a new account to your cloud office manager subscription, request account setup by filling the form.
Adding a new team member to our Bill.In account
If you would like to add a new member to your Bill.In subscription, follow these steps:
- Log in to your account.
- Click on the ellipses button on the top right.
- From the dropdown menu, select invite team member.
- Next add your team member's name and work email address.
- An invitation to join will be sent to your team member on the email provided, together with instructions on how to access their account.